Presenting America's Atomic Bomb Tests, a series of formerly classified, Top Secret weapons
testing tapes just released in 1997 by the Department of Defense. These tapes are first
look ever at one of America's most secret programs. Not only will you see the bomb itself,
but you'll also see aircraft that carried them and the destructive effects that followed.
All of the tapes have been digitally re-mastered and are in their original, uncut form as
released by the government.
Volume 1: The Early Tests - Trinity and Operation Crossroads
Two of the our nation's most historic tests are included in this edition, Trinity and
Crossroads. With Trinity, the world ushered in the atomic age itself and these scenes
provide historians with new, behind-the scenes material from the New Mexico tests.
Then came Crossroads, the awesome test on Bikini atoll that subjected battleships, subs,
carriers and tenders to the full force of a nuclear bomb. You will see the entire
test -- from laying ships out in anchorage, through the detonations, to the damage
inspection crews.
Volume 2: Operation Sandstone
In the history of nuclear weapons one test series stands above all others -- Sandstone.
In this powerful cassette, you will see details never before released -- how the atoll of
Eiwentok was prepared for the blasts, the actual preflight briefs, the drone B-17s that flew
through the radioactive clouds; the dramatic film of the detonations themselves. A
complete, on-the-scene report from one of the most important nuclear tests ever
Volume 3: Operation Ivy
The most powerful shots yet; ten times the combined yields of all previous explosions -- a
thermonuclear detonation yielding 12 megatons! Includes the preparations, full
explanations, in-flight insertion of nuclear components (IFI), the B36 and B47. A
beautifully produced program providing in-depth coverage of a hydrogen bomb detonation.
Volume 4: Nuclear Air Power - Operation Castle; Operation Greenhouse Segments of other tests (Dominic, Blue Gill)
Five named tests are highlighted in this tape. Major coverage of Operations Castle
and Greenhouse. Additional coverage includes nuclear missile launch pad accidents,
test footage of a nuclear weapon drop by an A7 carrier attack jet, and dramatic video of
an air dropped bomb by a B-36. Short segments on cloud sampling by fighter jets, a
Polaris launch and an ASROC test complete this far-ranging presentation.
Volume 5: Human Guinea Pigs - Operation Tumbler-Snapper
Operation Tumbler-Snapper tested small yield weapons, the type that could be carried and
launched by tactical fighters. As part of the series of tests, troops were brought
in and bombed. In this cassette you will see Army soldiers at ground zero as a nuclear
bomb is air dropped above them. Footage in this reel includes the just released blast
damage tape which includes homes, buildings, airplanes, tanks, rail cars and even trees
subjected to the violent effects of the atomic heat wave and the incredible blast.
Volume 6: Nuclear Destruction
This is the full report on the devastation caused by the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki during World War II. It is followed by an incredibly candid assessments of
the blast effectiveness of various types of nuclear detonations. Underwater,
underground, above the ground and airburst detonations are all compared, each with striking
full motion coverage.
Volume 7: Operation Buster - Jangle
The nuclear weapons programs had to keep pace with changing
aircraft designs and evolving military tactics, foremost among these, the use of fighter
and attack jets to carry a nuclear weapon. Operation Buster-Jangle tested the innovative,
compact-sized Mark 7 nuclear bomb, a bomb that would soon be carried by the smaller aircraft.
Volume 8: Desert Rock to Redwing - Operation Desert Rock; Operation Plumbob; Operation Red Wing
The full story of Camp Desert Rock, the Army's unusual nuclear
indoctrination facility at the Nevada Test Site, along with Wright Labs interesting history of
aircraft involved in the Red Wing shots. Also included is spectacular footage of the mushroom
cloud from Operation Plumbob.
Volume 9: Operation Teapot - Operation Teapot
The blast effects of a nuclear explosion on airplanes in
flight were studied during Operation Teapot. Two programs fully explain these
dramatic tests - the first covers Teapot from site preparation to aftermath footage while
the second thoroughly documents the drone aircraft and the in-flight damage they sustained.
Volume 10 - Operation Upshot/Knothole
Produced in 1953, this edition covers the entire weapons test
series of Operation Upshot/Knothole including the astonishingly detailed tests of the effect
of an atomic blast on a B-50 aircraft in flight. Approx. 55 minutes.
Volume 11 - The Redwing Story
Two documentaries make up this extraordinary history of the
Redwing series of 17 nuclear detonations, all conducted at the Pacific Proving Grounds.
The first program is a complete Redwing history while the second examines the results of the
blast effects. Thermonuclear explosions and newly developed, lightweight bombs were
studied during Redwing.
Volume 12 - Operation Hardtack
Our editors rate this video among the Top Three (along with
Upshot-Knothole and Tumbler-Snapper). Absolutely spectacular camera work captures
the overwhelming power of a nuclear detonation. The sea literally heaves into the
sky and then swallows a destroyer. Many other blast effects are shown. Four
complete documentaries - Hardtack I and II -- one and a half hours long.
Volume 13 - Argus and Wigwam
Argus was one of the most interesting theoretical studies -
how does earth's magnetic field bend nuclear radiation? This is explained in this
fascinating production, followed by the full Wigwam report - a study of the blast effects
on submarines, including the mystery of the lost submarine. Approx. 80 minutes.
Volume 14 - Proliferation
The title for this four-part tape says it all. See Bobby
Kennedy watch an the unusual tests of the Army's Davey Crockett tube-launched nuke.
Then see the most dramatic footage of a nuclear explosion yet (or at the least the most unusual)
- the slow-motion ground eruption from Operation Sedan. This is followed by the
first-ever public disclosure of the Navy's Underwater demolition unit (a nuclear device
strapped to the chest of a frogman that would jump into the water from a helicopter) in
SADM - Special Atomic Demolition Munition. Finally, the odd but interesting program on
the Vela Uniform participation in Operation Nougat and Gnome. Approx. 55 minutes.
Volume 15 - The Plumbob Story
Two films document Operation Plumbob. The first is a
complete overview of this controversial series of tests at the Nevada Test Site, while the
second evaluates blast effects. As part if this series, some 18,000 members of the
U.S. Armed Forces were deployed to trenches and indoctrinated to the nuclear battlefield.
This film also shows animal testing, used to determine biological effects of nuclear explosions
in order to better protect troops, including the pig skin protection tests.